various stamp forgery related discussions
Forum Statistics Last post
Lithuania stamps and covers
ask questions about Lithuania forgeries
4 Topics 
10 Posts
Re: Fake covers
 by vitg
Memel stamps and covers
ask questions about Memel forgeries
3 Topics 
15 Posts
Re: Forgeries on eBay
 by MatasM
1941 Occupation stamps and covers
ask questions about 1941 occupation stamp forgeries
4 Topics 
20 Posts
Re: Fake WWII covers on eBay.…
 by albump
Central Lithuania stamps and covers
ask questions about Central Lithuania forgeries
1 Topics 
4 Posts
Re: Quite a bargain
 by albump
Local issues
ask questions about local issue stamp forgeries
1 Topics 
2 Posts
Re: Telsiai 1920
 by Vygis
Forum Statistics Last post
Fakes and forgeries - online registry
by Audrius  - 
0 Replies 
 by Audrius
Forgery or error
by Annamary  - 
4 Replies 
 by Audrius